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Xekute Segment Based Messaging

The first and only solution to activate customer
segments using heuristics-based messaging.



Most brands have customer segmentation, but less than 10-20% use it to successfully activate each customer segment by using customized messaging.


Behavioral Segmentation In Marketing

Customer segmentation based on their decision heuristics


Create messages for each segment using heuristics

Already sitting on good customer segmentation, but not using it?

Let XEKUTE make it actionable within weeks!


Look for signal on decision heuristics in existing segmentation research/data.


Use predictive algorithms to apply segment heuristics to the entire customer database.


Create custom message inventories for cross-segment and segment-specific messaging needs.


Identify top 3-5 decision heuristics for each segment, and top 8-10 cross-segment decision heuristics.

XEKUTE delivers message inventories curated specially for segment-based messaging.

Behavioral Segmentation Behavioral Research

Cross-Segment Message Inventory

Segment 1

Message Inventory

Segment 2

Message Inventory

Segment 3

Message Inventory

No existing segmentation?
No problem!

XEKUTE has the first and only heuristics-based segmentation algorithm that combines behavioral science and AI to segment customers.

Behavioral Segmentation Marketing

Segmenting customers based on their decision heuristics produces a more actionable segmentation when compared to attitudinal or behavioral segmentation.

Xekute - Behavioral Data Analysis

Explains the WHY behind segment behaviors

Xekute Customer Segmentation

Captures segment irrationalities

Messaging Optimization for Each Segment

Leads directly to messaging optimization for each segment

XEKUTE segmentation uses first-in-class research techniques to segment respondents on the basis of their decision heuristics.

XEKUTE Segmentation Uses Top Research Techniques XEKUTE - Heuritstics Driven Message Experiments

Bias Signaling in Social Proverbs

Social proverbs are used as a signal for heuristics and used to explain respondent decisions.

XEKUTE - A customer segmentation XEKUTE - A segment-based messaging

Heuristics-Driven Messaging Experiments

Messages are used as a proxy for heuristics that can be used to influence respondent decisions.

Out-of-the-box actionability

XEKUTE delivers a customer segmentation and segment-based message inventories at the same time.

Xekute Behavioral Data Research

Each message is scientifically optimized to feed or fight a specific heuristic for a given segment.

Patients need to take more ownership of their A1c. PRODUCT X can give them the boost they need.
Diabetes is all about A1c, PRODUCT X is all about A1c control.
Diffusion of responsibility
PRODUCT X…your workhorse after metformin for patients who simply can't control their diabetes.
Empathy gap
Every meal can be a source of anxiety for diabetes patients. Help your patients make progress in their daily battles against diabetes with PRODUCT X.
segment 1
Ambiguity Aversion
PRODUCT X has an established safety profile, which means you know what to expect when it comes to hypoglycemia.
Certainty effect
PRODUCT X has proven its ability to reduce A1c significantly more than Y or Z alone added to metformin.
Familiarity effect
PRODUCT X delivers the efficacy of two well-known and well established classes of drugs.
Rule of consistency
PRODUCT X minimizes blood sugar drops and spikes so patients can achieve reliable, consistent blood sugar stability.
segment 2
One pill. Once a day. With or without food. Adding PRODUCT X can be easy.
Loss aversion
Diabetes patients already miss out on a lot of things. Don't let them miss out on the benefits of PRODUCT X.
Diet and lifestyle restrictions can affect diabetes patients' lives negatively. PRODUCT X can help bring A1c levels closer to normal.
Diabetes treatment needs a different approach: More than 55% of T2D patients are not at goal despite being on treatments.
segment 3
Don't just settle for A1c drops. PRODUCT X gives you additional benefits like weight loss and BP reduction without an increased risk of hypoglycemia.
Illusion of control
Make a difference in your diabetes patients' lives by helping them reach A1c goals with PRODUCT X.
Information bias
Studies estimate that high glucagon levels are responsible for as much as 50% of the increase in blood glucose after a meal in T2D.
Overconfidence effect
PRODUCT X provides the power for you to treat your patient with confidence, with reliable and safe A1c reduction.
segment 4

can save you months of unproductive segmentation meetings and workshops!

When segment-based messaging is available on Day 1, you can enter execution mode on Day 2 (and thank us later!).


uses advanced machine learning algorithms to cluster respondents into segments and then project that segmentation to your customer database.

Xekute Segment Based Message Approach

Everything you want from segmentation and more!


Cross-Segment + Within-Segment

Solves for cross-segment and segment-specific messaging.


Explain & Influence

Not only explains segment decisions, but also identifies ways to influence them.


Actionable & Customized

Segments arrive with customized message inventories ready for testing or execution.


Easy and Turnkey

No lengthy workshops, no pre-research, no hypotheses.


can be used to continuously optimize segment-based messaging.

Every time a segment responds to a message, the system learns which heuristics are most effective and creates additional messages written against winning heuristics.

Get to know Newristics better

What is customer segmentation?

The process of dividing your customers into different groups or cohorts based on certain variables for a predetermined purpose of managing each group differentially is considered the art and science of customer segmentation.

How has the concept of segmentation evolved over the last 30 years?

Over the past 50 years, segmentation has gone through many evolutionary cycles. When it was introduced in the 1960s, early customer segmentation approaches centered around variables like demographics and psychographics. Over time, many new ways of segmenting customers were found to be useful, giving rise to popular approaches like attitudinal segmentation, behavioral segmentation, needs-based segmentation, decision-based segmentation, etc.

What are the different ways brands can segment their customers?

Customer segmentation can be done in a variety of ways. Market research surveys can be used to segment a small population of customers first and then data from the survey can be projected to larger databases to assign each customer into a specific segment. Survey based segmentation typically involves a combination of variables like attitudes, beliefs, needs, brand awareness/usage, demographics - anything that fits in a survey!

Alternatively, real-world data on customers can also be used to create a customer segmentation schema. Behavioral segmentation can be created using usage or purchase data, and demographic and psychographic segments can be created using third-party data from companies like Axiom, Experian, etc.

Are some ways of customer segmentation better than others?

The ideal segmentation for any brand results in clearly differentiated segments of customers and explains why customers behave in different ways. This allows the brand to implement behavioral segmentation marketing through different marketing channels and communication vehicles with messages most appropriate for each segment.

  1. Behavioral segmentation: This is generally more actionable from a targeting standpoint and is more reliable than market research-based segmentation to implement behavioral segmentation marketing. However, behavioral segmentation typically falls short in explaining why different customer segments have different behaviors. Market research-based customer segmentation is typically more insightful in explaining differences between segments and can create more complete and comprehensive segment profiles.
  2. Multi-dimensional customer segmentation: Many brands utilize this form of segmentation approach that combines data-driven behavioral segmentation with market research-driven insight-heavy segmentation. Using a hybrid approach allows a more actionable segmentation to be created.
  3. Attitudinal segmentation: Segmenting customers based on attitudes and needs has slowly been losing favor over time because neither one tends to correlate with actual customer behavior in the marketplace and cannot be easily used to identify customers in different attitudinal segments. Even though attitudes can be used to create reasonably differentiated customer segments, if customer behaviors of the segments are not clearly differentiated, then the segmentation is not very actionable.
  4. Decision-based segmentation: More recently, brands have had significant success in customer segmentation using behavioral science or decision heuristics science. This allows for customers to be segmented based on how they make decisions, which immediately explains behaviors. Decision-based segments can be significantly more actionable for brands and lead to marketing strategies that are directly designed to change the customer behaviors of their segments.

How can customer segmentation be used to create better marketing strategies?

Customer segmentation can be used to guide or inform almost every aspect of marketing planning and message delivery. Larger brands typically target all customer segments and use different behavioral segmentation marketing strategies and tactics for each segment. Smaller, niche brands typically focus their marketing efforts and message delivery on one to two segments only and spend their marketing dollars disproportionately on priority segments.

While segmentation can theoretically be used to create segment-based marketing strategies the most actionable application of segmentation is segment-based messaging. If brands can reach different segments through dedicated channels of communication, using segment-based messaging can immediately make a segmentation actionable and produce results in the marketplace.

Why is the concept of segment-based messaging so important?

Segment-based messaging or segment-based message delivery is one of the most actionable use cases of customer segmentation. Even if some of the behaviors of different segments overlap, as long as there are insights about how each segment makes decisions, behavioral segmentation marketing or messaging can be created and target message delivery for each segment in the marketplace.

Creating different brands, products, packaging, and pricing for each segment can take behavioral segmentation marketing to expert level, but requires significantly more time investment and commitment from brand teams and is operationally complex. Creating customized segment-based message delivery service, on the other hand, can be done quickly and tested in the marketplace without committing to significant investments.

How can messages be personalized to different segments

While customer segmentation can be created using behavioral data, segment-based messaging requires some insights into each customer segment’s behaviors. Often the research tools and processes used to identify customer insights for each segment don't translate directly into personalized message delivery.

Decision Heuristic science offers a powerful tool to brand marketers to both segment customers based on how they make decisions and then to create highly targeted and personalized message delivery for each segment. There are hundreds of decision heuristics that explain behavioral segmentation and the same heuristics can be used to craft specific language in a message to that segment. By using heuristics-based language in a message, brands can efficiently nudge customer decisions in the intended direction.

How are digital channels creating a new world of segment personalization?

As more advertising becomes digital and more ad-buying becomes programmatic, personalized message delivery service using segment-based messaging offers tremendous upside potential for brands to increase the return on investment on their advertising spend.

Brands are already using digital personas to segment customers for targeting purposes online. However, current digital persona creation methods do not know how to incorporate the decision heuristics that each customer segment uses to make purchase decisions.

Since digital message delivery service is often created and rendered dynamically using marketing automation systems, targeting each digital persona based on their decision heuristics with heuristics-based messaging offers significant upside potential for brands to capture customer preference and eventually market share.