Explore 20 proven guiding principles that can help you simplify technical information and make it easy for physicians, patients, and payers to digest the complex messaging. Using real-life examples for every technique, this Guidebook makes it easy for anyone to write a more compelling and successful marketing copy...guaranteed!
READOver the past decade, Newristics has built the world’s largest database of 100,000s of messages across top brands to understand what messaging techniques lead to the most effective messaging. A meta-analysis revealed the top neuro cognitive science techniques that lead to effective messaging that test well in both market research and real-world marketing.
Start using these techniques instantly with this easy-to-use financial messaging guidebook featuring the top 20 proven neuro cognitive science techniques that take messages from good to GREAT. With real-world messaging examples from a leading financial services brand, this guidebook is a must-have resource for all financial service marketers!