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Heuristicians at work, better decision-makers for life.

Decision heuristics science is flowing in the veins of every Newristics employee!

Being a part of the Newristics team changes the way employees interact with the world around them. They not only experience a greater understanding of human decision-making but also ameliorate their understanding of their own selves by virtue of being able to recognize every heuristic they personally use to make decisions! Every employee at Newristics is a heuristician, and a better person because of it! Meet our team and read about their favorite heuristic!

Executive Group

  • Gaurav Kapoor


    Attribute Substitution

    We unconsciously avoid making a complex or difficult decision with an easier one because we believe that doing something is better than doing nothing which is not always true.

    "Attribute Substitution has taught me a lot about parenting! No app, website, or book can substitute time spent with your children. It doesn't even have to be "high quality" time!"
  • Channing Stave

    Chief Operating Officer


    If a task seems too large to solve, humans more likely will give up on it, and leave others in higher positions to solve them.

    With 660 different heuristics to choose from, it’s impossible to select just one favorite, so I let someone else choose it for me."
  • Art McKee

    Chief Revenue Officer

    Chance Illusion

    Humans underestimate the number of chances at the same thing that they'll get during their lifetimes.

    You only get one chance in life, so you need to make the most of it!
  • Judy Friefield

    Chief Financial Officer

    Confirmation Bias

    We interpret evidence in a way that confirms our existing beliefs and ignore or avoid contradictory evidence, and this often prevents us from making the best decision.

    Confirmation Bias plagues the market research industry! Often a good study is one that confirms the themes we have heard in other market research studies, right?

Senior Leadership

  • Monica Lichwick

    Functional Fixedness

    We assume that an object can only be used for its intended purpose and has no other value just because we have never tried to use it for any other purpose. However, others may have found alternate purpose that we are just unaware of.

    I bought a VitaMix for $450 because it is supposed to do so many things. What do I use it for? Making smoothies!
  • Meg Hessel

    Background Contrast Effect

    We will show a greater preference for an option if there is a clearly inferior option to compare it to,otherwise we would not.

    I decided it was time to upgrade our toaster, and when I went to the store, I noticed there were a couple of 4-slot toasters but only one had the bagel option. I had to get the one with bagel option and give into Attraction Effect!
  • Bill Engler

    Egocentric Bias

    We may take more personal credit for a group outcome than an external observer would give us.

    I have always been a creative guy. If I am on a project team, it is quite likely that the best ideas are coming from me!
  • Shaikat Sen

    Opportunity Cost Neglect

    A dollar saved is a dollar earned, but we neglect the value of a dollar saved and spend it right back.

    I was getting a new phone at Verizon and the Samsung S6 was marked down $350! I ended up getting one for me and one for my mom.
  • Cheryl Palay

    Disjunctive Rule

    We establish acceptable minimums as cutoff points for certain attributes of a product rather than judge it on all attributes, as a whole.

    When I bought my new SUV, I just looked for two things - can my 120 lb dog stand upright in the trunk and is the monthly payment less than $250! You call that Disjunctive Rule?
  • Jim Vielee

    Happy People, Happy Choices

    When we are in a good mood, we make optimistic choices, but when we are in a bad mood, we make pessimistic ones, even though we should not let our mood determine our choices.

    I love this heuristic because I am a happy person lucky enough to enjoy the benefits happiness brings.
  • Tammy Ryerson

    Actor-Observer Bias

    We attribute other people’s behavior to their personality, but our own behavior to situational factors,and therefore, frequently apply a double standard.

    I have always wondered why people donate money to a cause, but never give a dollar to a homeless guy on the street. They think he is responsible for his own homelessness.


  • April McCormick

    Peak-End Rule

    We may judge an experience almost entirely on its qualities at its peak and ending, disregarding elements such as net pleasantness and duration.

    Coming back from Disney World, all I remembered was the fun times we had with family. Somehow, I forgot the 2 hour long waits! I wonder how that happens.
  • Chelsea Burkey

    Mere Token Effect

    When deciding between options with smaller immediate payouts and larger later payouts, by adding even a minor immediate (limited value) payout to both options increases our likelihood to wait for the later option, even though nothing has really changed.

    I'm always conflicted between ordering the made-to-order chocolate soufflé (which I love!) or the pre-made cheesecake. But this time, when the waiter offered a small truffle if I ordered the soufflé, it made my decision super easy!
  • Carl Hormann

    Accountability Bias

    We make decisions based on how well they can be justified to others, rather than making an objective decision.

    When my car was totalled, I wanted to buy a motorcycle. However, since a regular sedan is much easier to justify to my wife and family, I drive a sedan now!
  • Catherine Loden

    Ratio Preference Bias

    We prefer probabilities expressed as a simple ratio vs. a percentage, even though they express the same probabilities.

    1 out of 56 boys is likely to have autism now! I didn't realize how bad the situation is until I heard it presented like that!
  • Chantal Louw


    We respond to a positive action with another positive action, rather than objectively deciding the best action.

    If somebody holds the elevator door for me, I will always hold it for them!
  • Dana Kresojevich

    Ambiguity Aversion

    Humans prefer options with fewer unknowns and avoid options with missing information.

    Ambiguity Aversion is why it is so easy to order pizza instead of sandwiches. Everyone knows bread, cheese and sauce!
  • Diana Sharkey

    Frequency Illusion

    Once we become aware of a particular phenomenon, we start seeing it more frequently and perceive it as more frequent than it actually is.

    I no longer watch TV in the same way, thanks to Frequency Illusion! I'm either looking at ads from all the brands we've worked on or identifying the many, many heuristics on the ads!
  • Diane Burgess

    Group Think

    We are more likely to "go with the flow" when working as a team simply to maintain harmony because we don't like to be the one to create group conflict.

    I must honor Group Think. I do not like Italian, but somehow most of my outings with friends end up at an Italian joint.
  • Ian Miller

    Spotlight Effect

    Humans think they are in the spotlight, with people focusing on their physical appearance and presentation, more often than they actually are.

    I can’t tell you how many times I’ve changed shirts before leaving the house just because I see an ink spot on my pocket.
  • Katie Reed


    Some of our behaviors are direct results of certain childhood experiences that continue to impact our minds and our lives.

    I wish I wasn't so scared of dogs. I am really scared of dogs (even small dogs!) because I saw someone get bit by a stray dog when I was 5 years old. This is Imprinting at its worst!
  • Lisa Baer

    Status Quo Bias

    We like things to stay relatively the same and fear the risk of change will not be worth it, but sometimes we don't even consider the potential benefits!

    Status Quo Bias may have to do something with the fact that even though I have been talking about remodeling our kitchen for 9 years, it still looks the same!
  • Maria Briseno

    Power of Free

    We prefer “free” goods even if there is a cost to acquiring them and they are not really "free".

    I love when the grocery store has a Buy 10, Get 2 Free. It makes me feel like I'm taking advantage of the store by stocking up my pantry!
  • Natalie Guarna


    Sometimes we want it all, and don't want to give up anything to get there.

    I am aware of my Compromaxing tendencies because I want it all: to do a great job at work, stay connected with my family, catch up with my friends and on the latest happenings, and get enough sleep to stay energized. And I don't want to give up anything to have it all!
  • Perry Erlichman

    Rule of Consistency

    We feel we need to maintain and project a consistent image of ourselves and sometimes go overboard to do so.

    I have always been known for my deep voice. When I have a cold and lose my natural voice, I don't feel like my self and am hyper-conscious of my interactions with people.
  • Rex Parks


    We rely too heavily on the first piece of information and make judgments based on it, just because it was the first piece and not because it is in any way more important than the subsequent pieces of information.

    For my first place out of college, which was in a suburb, I paid $850 in rent. I have been living in the city for 12 years now and still can't get over how much I pay in rent!
  • Tiffany Shomer

    Projective Satisficing

    We believe that if something is good enough for a peer, then it is good enough for us too, even though that may not be the case.

    Whenever I go out with friends, I just order the same thing as my foodie friend Cathy. I know I will never go wrong with her pick.
  • Tessa Sundermann

    Rosy Retrospection

    Humans rate events that happened in the past more positively than they do immediately after they occurred.

    "When the holidays come around each year, I look back fondly on the holiday memories of my childhood and start to realize why my parents always seemed so stressed!"
  • Hannah Stoll

    Disappointment Aversion

    Humans avoid situations that yield less desirable results, even if they are objectively good.

    "So far in life, I've avoided singing karaoke, and disappointment aversion is to blame. Better to give up an entire fun night out with my friends than to risk embarrassing myself even a little bit, right?
  • Holly Harrison

    Repetition Bias

    We are more inclined to believe what we hear repeatedly and from more sources.

    “For years I’ve heard from friends and the media that covering wet electronics in rice will ‘save them’. One water-soaked laptop later I can say it did NOT recover!”
  • Justin Harris

    Affect Heuristic

    Humans sometimes make decision based on feelings and emotions rather than facts and rational thinking.

    I adopted my first dog solely on the way it looked at me. Sure, it was adorable, but when it started eating my shoes, I realized that Affect Heuristic might not be the best guide to make lifelong commitments.
  • Angela Farren

    Commitment Bias

    Humans tend to repeat decisions based on commitments they have already made.

    ‘I’m quite stubborn, so even if someone has a completely accurate view on something, I will stand by what I originally said (even if I know that I’ll be adopting their stance once they’re gone).”
  • Callie Duque

    Subtraction Blindness

    Humans tend to select solutions that add new elements rather than those that take away elements when faced with a problem.

    I’m always reminded of Subtraction Blindness when I watch my kids learn to ride their Strider bikes with no pedals or training wheels!
  • Stratton Stave

    Heuristic: Transactional Utility

    Even a year after purchase, I still get more pleasure from getting 50% off my phone than the phone itself.

    "We believe a transaction is enhanced if there’s a perceived value attached to it like a discounts or savings."