Add the boost of science and algorithms to your creative messaging.
Message Development with a “creative only” approach usually only results in good messaging - but that seldom elevates to great messaging. And while such a Message Development process is relatively easy to achieve and results in 80% effective messaging but to get to scientifically perfect messages creative only is not a good enough approach.
While Message Development using a “creative only” approach can take your brand to good messaging, in order to turbocharge your Message Development process, you need the boost of science and algorithms. Consider this - research backed data in message development for healthcare shows that you can boost the effectiveness of your messaging by 2-3X by enhancing it with the nobel prize-winning decision heuristic science. Added to that, advanced algorithms trained on tens of thousands of messages can be used to predict message appeal and prioritize the best messages for execution.
There are several components that make a great message and that is what makes the message development research so vital to the success of a campaign. A great message is immediately appealing to its target audience: it is not only strongly worded to be persuasive but also strikes a chord with the intended audience and makes them take the desired action.
There are many reasons why managers give up trying to perfect Message Development even though the difference between the existing and great messaging could cost millions of dollars in revenue. Some common pain points are:
Using behavioral science in message design and development can make messages more persuasive. Behavioral science-based messaging speaks to the dominant heuristics of the target customer, with the aim of influencing choices and getting the highest degree of message acceptance. Message design and development using behavioral science strengthens brand loyalty, has the highest likelihood of being remembered and enhances the persuasion skills of your communication.
There’s a science behind what makes your customers open an email, listen to your rep, respond to a CTA and eventually use your product. Whether it’s writing an attention- grabbing headline or getting someone to “click and convert,” leveraging heuristics or “decision-making shortcuts” by your message development service you can nudge your intended audience to take a desired action.
NLG message development software is already being used to augment human generated copy. One commonly used example of this is Google’s Smart Compose, which makes automated suggestions for words as you type. NLG systems are being used in the creation of more data-heavy content and companies are using such message development software to even generate their product descriptions. Research even suggests that NLG content can help convert traffic at higher rates than copy written by humans.